Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
Good news to all of you!
Waterfront Estates Lippo Cikarang x Parentalk is back with the second IG Live Series Nongkrong Kuy!: Happy Kids Happy Parents During the Pandemic. We #StayatHome for almost 1 year, the frequency of spending time with our partners and family increases along with other obligations that must be done while staying at home. Starting with Working from Home to School from Home, if we are not careful we can be overloaded with all these new responsibilities. Therefore, in this 2nd IG Live Psychologist Analisa Widyaningrum will provide tips to stay Happy together.
The second session of IG Live Nongkrong Kuy! will be present on:
Day : Friday, 26 February 2021
Hours : 13.00 – 14.00 WIB (afternoon)
Theme : Happy Kids Happy Parents During the Pandemic
Speaker : Analisa Widyaningrum (@analisa.widyaningrum)
Make sure you don’t miss this exciting event!
Don’t forget to invite and share this information with family and other friends.
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