Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
Good news to all of you!
Waterfront Estates Lippo Cikarang in collaboration with Parentalk (IG: @, starting from February – June 2021 will hold an IG Live Series: Nongkrong Kuy!
This online event presents interesting topics for millennials, especially for young families / new couples, which are well summarized by the presence of Waterfront Estates as the ideal living solution for millennials in Cikarang.
IG Live Event Nongkrong Kuy! Is open to the public and will be moderated by Ms. Nucha Bachri from Parentalk, presenting various expert speakers with interesting themes about lifestyle, family harmony, entrepreneurship, and various other exciting topics for millennials with a duration of 1 hour. Viewers also have the opportunity to ask questions and give comments directly by following the account IG Live.
The first session of IG Live Nongkrong Kuy! will be present on:
Day : Friday, 12 February 2021
Hours : 19.00 WIB (evening)
Theme : Makin Mesra #diRumahAja
Resource Person : Citra Ayu Mustika (@olevelove)
Make sure you don’t miss this exciting event!
Don’t forget to invite and share this information with family and other friends.
Marketing Lippo Cikarang