The Bekasi Regency Government held a coordination meeting regarding the handling of Covid-19 at Maxxbox Lippo Cikarang on Friday, April 3, 2020. This activity was attended by the Regent of Bekasi District Eka Supria Atmaja along with the cabinet of the Gugus Tugas Covid-19.
This coordination was an evaluation of various government efforts to deal with the covid-19 outbreak that has become a pandemic in the world. In addition to the government, private agencies and entrepreneurs were also present to contribute to the eradication of Covid-19 in Bekasi Regency.
In addition to facilitating activities related to the eradication of Covid 19, Lippo Cikarang has made various efforts in eradicating Covid 19, including giving calls for physical distancing to all residents and spraying disinfectants in all areas. Lippo Cikarang also applies a work from home scheme for all employees.